Sunday, December 11, 2011

Housing Crisis in Wasagamack

This is a video I saw in another class. It has to do with a reserve in Manitoba that has horrible living conditions and the government keeps telling them they will fix it up but nothing has been done. A lot of people don't have running water and they have up to 15, 20 people living in a small home. This is a continuation of what we have talked about in class, Colonialism in Canada. The Native people have little or no resources to better their living situations and the government isn't much help. We talked about the stereotypes of Natives in Canada and how people think they don't have to pay taxes or they may have it a little easier because of their 'Indian status." I didn't really know that conditions in some reserves were this bad and I was amazed that something hasn't been done. The mold growing in some of these homes is very unhealthy, especially for the young children. Hopefully this issue will change, although it doesn't look like it will anytime soon.

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